An independent, family run business providing property development, property investment and lettings in Telford / Shrewsbury
07875 010603 |0800 668 1360 | Open 7 days a week - 8am - 7pm.
You should read this notice when you give us information so you are aware of how and why we are using this. Please update us if any information supplied by you changes.
Why we are giving you this notice
We are required by data protection law to give you this notice. We must be open with you about why information is collected about you and then what is done with it. We must act fairly in relation to this information. You have various legal rights relating to this information which are spelt out in more detail in this notice.
If you’re already a tenant, resident or guarantor some of the items in this notice may not be relevant to you. Different information will be involved depending on whether you are a tenant, resident or guarantor.
In order that we can collect or use information about you there must be a legal basis or gateway for doing so. This notice identifies the relevant gateway for the various types of information we collect and hold about you. A detailed explanation of these gateways is given in this notice.
Under data protection legislation we can only process data “as necessary” and only to the extent that it is needed. For example, we can use your bank details regarding payments and other limited purposes only.
However, in certain instances, as necessary, we can share any of your data, e.g. with our own professional advisers or letting and managing agents. We may also share any of your data, as necessary, with the police/law enforcement agencies or regulatory authorities.
References to a tenant in this notice also include a guarantor if there is one. This is because a guarantor underwrites a tenant’s obligations so references to your tenancy are to include your guarantee.
Why we hold and process information
This notice sets out how we hold and process information we obtain and hold about you whether you are initially applying to us for a tenancy or if you become a tenant, resident, guarantor or for any business interests that you may be enquiring about. We process personal information about our tenants and possible new tenants so we can provide residential accommodation, we process information regarding any business interests, joint venture etc so we can provide them with the required information and service they are looking for.
This includes:
- dealing with lettings;
- dealing with applications for tenancies;
- checking suitability for tenancies (including credit, immigration and similar checks);
- managing property;
- collecting rent;
- maintaining our accounts and records; and
- dealing with tenancy deposits.
- dealing with property buyers or sellers.
- dealing with joint venture partners and investors.
- Relevant information may include personal details, employment and education details and financial details. By law, we have to carry out immigration checks on new tenants and residents. We have to keep copies of the documents we inspect as part of these checks. We may keep these copies on computer.
Sharing information with others
We may need to share personal information we process with others. If we have to do this, we will keep to data-protection legislation.
Depending on the circumstances, we may share information with:
- other landlords;
- employers;
- educational institutions, universities and colleges;
- suppliers (including gas, electricity and water companies) and service providers;
- financial organisations (including banks);
- credit- and tenant-reference agencies;
- tenancy deposit schemes;
- debt-collection and tracing agencies;
- public and government bodies (including those who deal with benefits and council tax);
- contractors and repairers;
- letting and managing agents; and
- any future owner of the property.
This does not mean that we necessarily share information with all of the above but we may do so if we need to.
Council tax and utilities and services
To make sure that council tax and utility and service bills (including water charges) are correctly collected, we share information with the relevant local authority and utility or service providers. We also share this information to make sure that bills are sent to the correct person and charges and debts can be collected. By law, in certain geographic areas we have to pass information about who lives in a property to water companies. In all other areas, although this is voluntary, we may pass this information to water companies.
Why we use your personal information
We may use the personal information you give us in a number of ways, for example to decide whether to let the property to you or someone you are going guarantor for; to prevent fraud, for accounting and auditing purposes, for managing property or for debt collection.
Retaining Communications
We will monitor, record and retain your calls, emails, text messages, social media messages and other communications. This is in our legitimate interests to maintain an accurate record of these. This may be necessary to manage your tenancy or the property or to deal with your application for a tenancy or to deal with tenants/residents or prospective tenants/residents/guarantors. We need these records for our ongoing dealings with you, including our data protection obligations.
Joint tenants and guarantors
Where you have a tenancy jointly with someone else or there is a guarantor for your tenancy, as necessary, we will share information either with the joint tenant or the guarantor (or both). This relates to your performance of your responsibilities under the tenancy agreement including information about any rent arrears or other breach of the tenancy terms. It can also relate to issues around the termination of the tenancy and any claims we may have as a result.
Immigration/right to rent checks
By law, in England, we are required to check your immigration status before we rent a property to you.This means that you are legally obliged to produce certain documentation (e.g. a passport or driving licence) to us. This applies whether or not you are a UK or EU citizen. Not only are we required to see original documentation but we must take and keep copies of it. We also check this documentation as part of our process to verify your identity at the outset of the tenancy. Prospective tenants and all adult residents who will live at the property must be checked.
Telephone calls
To protect our legitimate interests telephone conversations may be recorded electronically for monitoring and to ensure that we have a record of what is said. You or others may leave messages when calling. When you contact us, whether by telephone, through our website or by e-mail, we collect the data you have given to us in order to reply with the information you need. We record your request and our reply in order to increase the efficiency of our business. We keep personally identifiable information associated with your message, such as your name and email address so as to be able to track our communications with you to provide a high quality service.
Search engines, websites, etc
As necessary, we obtain information about you which is publically available via search engines such as Google or Facebook and websites. This will include information about you which you yourself made public. However, when doing so we make sure that we comply with applicable guidelines under data protection legislation.
Special categories of data/sensitive personal data
In limited situations we will process information about your health or any disability. This data is given special protection under data protection law. Normally we would expect to ask you for your explicit consent before we collect or use this kind of data.
In cases where you rent a property where a child resides, information will be given to us about resident children; usually by an adult such as a parent on their behalf. Data protection law requires us to give such information additional protection where we collect or use it. In particular, where the rented property is located in England, we need to check on the age of any residents to see whether or not an immigration/right to rent check must be carried out.
Obligation to process data
Private renting is highly regulated so we are under various legal obligations. These include an obligation to carry out gas safety checks under gas safety legislation. We may need to handle data for this purpose, e.g. to give the contracted gas safety engineer access to the property, for repairs and maintenance and property inspections. If the property is located within the area served by Welsh Water then we are legally obliged to pass over details of your occupancy of the property to enable them to collect water charges. In other areas, in line with Information Commissioner advice, we will pass over details of your occupancy to the relevant Water Company to enable them to collect water charges as it is in their legitimate interests to receive this information.
Legally we must also hold and process information relating to any tenancy deposit which you pay to us including sharing your information with a deposit scheme by which any deposit is protected.
Under any statutory licensing schemes applicable to the property we may be required to give information to the local housing authority relating to your occupation of the property. Similarly, there are various regulatory requirements which may mean that we need to give information about you to public or local authorities or other regulatory authorities.
Could you advice how you operating system store data from your website and who if any third parties it goes to?
Mono only acts as a Data Processor for our partners' employee data entered in RAI (Email, name and log files). For any purposes of which our partners use RAI for their SMB client information, RAI is simply a part of the Mono Platform. In this scenario, Mono is a Data Sub-processor. Partners are responsible for any SMB data they enter into RAI including deleting it when requested to do so by the SMB.
--- So Mono only stores the data we put in and shares it with no one. We put the client's account information to create the website. (name, number, email, business name, address, account number)I see its hosted by MNA Digital is this based in the uk?
The servers are located in Copenhagen, Denmark. Mono does make use of third-party service providers, such as domain, hosting and Google analytics.
Withdrawal of consent
Where your consent provides us with the legal gateway to process data about you you can withdraw this at any time by telling us by email or post using the telephone/addresses given above.
Right to gather information
You have the right to ask for a copy of the information that we hold about you. We may make a small charge for this service. We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information if this is not accurate. To ask for this information, please write to us or email us.
We operate our own internal complaints policy and if you have any concerns about the way in which we collect or handle data please contact us.